
Dr. Mehmet MUŞ

Minister of Trade, Republic of Türkiye


Dr. Mehmet Muş was born in Sürmene/Trabzon on May 1, 1982.

He completed his primary and secondary education in Istanbul.

After graduating from Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Business and Economics, Department of Business Administration, he went abroad for his graduate study. He accomplished his graduate program at Washington State University School of Economic Sciences in the field of economics.

Having had his PhD degree at Marmara University, Department of Economic History, Mehmet Muş worked in the private sector as a Budget Planning Expert.

He was actively involved in the Istanbul Branch of AK Party Youth Organization where he served respectively as AK Party Youth Organization Provincial Executive Board Member, Director of Economic Affairs and Head of the Organization.

In 2011, he was elected to the Grand National Assembly as AK Party’s Istanbul MP for the 24th Parliament of Turkey. He remained in the office and continued to serve as MP in the 25th, 26th and 27th terms. He was a Member of Grand National Assembly’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, Plan and Budget Committee and European Union Accession Committee. Being a former member of NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATOPA) Turkish Group, he also served as the Vice President of Public Relations at the AK Party Headquarters.


Yavuz Selim KÖŞGER

Governor of İzmir


He was born on January 3, 1964 in Konya. He graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Political Science in 1986. Between the years 1987-1990, he conducted audits to Associations. He started his career in 1990 as candidate Kırşehir District Governor. Following his service in Yapraklı and Beydağ as acting District Governor, he completed his international internship in Oxford, England. Later on, he served as District Governor in Doğankent, Kemaliye and Şarkikaraağaç, and as Deputy Governor in Artvin. After having worked as the General Manager of the Agricultural Credit Cooperatives of Turkey, he studied French language and Administrative System of France for 5 months in Paris, France. In 2004, he was appointed as the Head of Department at the Directorate General for Local Authorities, in 2006 as Deputy Director General, and on May 28, 2010 he became General Director.

He has worked as the Governor of Sinop as of May 3, 2013, the Governor of Bingöl as of February 16, 2015 and the Governor of Aydın as of June 13, 2017. Yavuz Selim KÖŞGER, who was appointed as the Governor of Izmir with the Presidential Decree no. 2020/274 dated June 9, 2020 of the Council of Ministers and, is married and has 4 children.



Mayor of İzmir Metropolitan Municipality


Born in Ankara in 1959, Tunç Soyer has lived in İzmir since his early childhood.

After graduating from Bornova Anatolian Highschool, he completed his university degree at Ankara University Faculty of Law. During this time, he worked as a correspondent in the Turkish News Agency and has translated a work on the tragedy of women in immigrant camps into Turkish.

Soyer has a master’s degree on “International Relations” from Webster College in Switzerland and on the “European Union” from Dokuz Eylül University. He founded a holiday village in Seferihisar in 1991 that is still in operation. Being a fluent English and French speaker, he was an active manager in the tourism sector for nine years.

In 2003, he became a consultant of the Mayor of İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Ahmet Piriştina on the obtainable financial resources of the European Union and strengthened his experiences on the economy and social life of İzmir within this period. From 2004 to 2006, he served as the Director of Foreign Relations of the İzmir Chamber of Commerce. In 2006, he was appointed as the General Secretary of EXPO İzmir.

In 2009 he was elected as the Mayor of Seferihisar and carried on this task for two terms. He has implemented the international local-scale development model Cittaslow (Slow City) first to Seferihisar and then introduced it to the seven geographical areas of Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

He was elected as the Mayor of İzmir Metropolitan Municipality at the local elections held in March 2019.

He is married and has two daughters.

Mayor Soyer’s International Roles

• Member of Executive Bureau in the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe which represent 150.000 local authorities. 
• Member of the ICLEI Global Executive Committee an organization with 1750 member cities across the world. 
• President of the International Network of Cittaslow with 272 Cities members present in 30 Countries.
• Alternate member within The Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly ARLEM, representing Medcities.
• Member of the UCLG Executive Bureau and World Council.
• Policy Councilor in UCLG Policy Council on Opportunities for All, Culture and City Diplomacy: Keys to Sustainable Development and Peace.
• President of the Association of Social Democratic Municipalities (SODEM) in Turkey with 141 member municipalities.  
• President of the Social Democratic Public Employer Union (SODEMSEN) in Turkey with 189 Member Municipalities. 
• President of the Union of Aegean Municipalities in Turkey.

İzmir on the International Platform

• Member of the Mediterranean Network of Cities (MedCities). 
• İzmir will host the 2021 UCLG Culture Summit.
• Member of the UCLG’s Committee on Local Economic and Social Development. 
• Recently became a U20 permanent Member City. 
• Chaired the U20 Task Force on Inclusive Prosperous Communities 



Deputy Minister, Ministry of Economy, Republic of Azerbaijan



Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Hungary


He was born on October 30th, 1978 in Komárom. He is an economist who earned his degree in International Relations from the Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration in 2002. He joined Fidesz in 1998. He was elected to member of the municipal government in the same year in the city of Győr, and then he obtained a mandate between 2006 and 2010 again.

In 2005 he was elected to president of Fidelitas, the youth organization of Fidesz. He occupied this position until 2009. He first became member of the National Assembly in 2002.

He received mandates in 2006, 2010 and 2014 as well; currently he serves his fourth term as member of the Parliament. He served as communications director and spokesman of the Fidesz between 2006 and 2010, and he was chief of staff of the party’s president from 2009 to 2010. During his parliamentary work he was deputy faction leader of Fidesz and chairman of the Parliament’s Budget Committee.

He served as the Prime Minister’s spokesman from June 2010 to June 2012, and headed the Prime Minister’s staff in charge of press, international and organizational affairs. In June 2012 he was appointed to State Secretary for Foreign Affairs and External Economic Relations of the Prime Minister’s Office. He served as Government Commissioner for Hungarian-Russian Relations and Hungarian Chinese Bilateral Relations from March 2013. In June, 2014, he was appointed to Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Since September, 2014, he serves as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade.


Dr. Zulkifli HASAN

Minister of Trade, Republic of Indonesia

Place / Date of Birth: Lampung, 17 May 1962

Religion: Islam

Education Background:

• Bachelor of Economics: Krisnadwipayana University; 1989 - 2001

• Magister of Management: PPM School of Management; 2001 – 2003

• Honorary Doctorates: Korean Sejong University and State University of Semarang Employment History and Organization Background:

• Minister of Trade (15 June 2022- )

• Minister of Forestry (2009 – 2014)

• Speaker of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (2014 – 2019)

• Deputy Speaker of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia: Chairman (2019 – 2022)

• Member of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (Period 2019 – 2024)

• Chairman of the National Mandate Party / PAN (2015 – present) resident Commissioner of PT. Panamas Mitra Inti Lestari: President Commissioner (2004 – 2006)

Marital Status: • Married with 4 children



Deputy Minister, Minister of Economy and Trade, Kyrgyz Republic

  1. Dateof Birth: 15 August, 1984
  2. Nationality: Kyrgyz

  3. Education  


Bachelor Degree in Economy and Management, Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University;


Bachelor Degree inBusiness Administration, Institut Supérieur de Gestion (ISG),France, Paris;


Master Degree in Global Studies, Doshisha University, Japan, Kyoto

5.  Languages : Kyrgyz, Russian, English

6.  Experience



Deputy Minister of Economy and Commerce of the KR


Director of the Climate Finance Center of the Kyrgyz Republic


Head of Investment Policy and Trade Department, Ministry of Economy of the KR


Head of Investment Promotion Division, Ministry of Economy of the KR


Chief Specialist of the Planning and Evaluation Division


Leading Specialist of the Division for Monitoring Public Investment Programs



Secretary of Economy, United Mexican States



• Bachelor’s Degree in English Language at the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM).

• Master’s Degree in Public Administration at the Autonomous University of Nuevo León.

• Diploma in Culture of Legality at the George Washington University.

• Diploma in Governance at the Harvard University.

• Diploma in Economic and Political Perspectives for Mexico at the Harvard University. Professional Profile

• Translator and partner of the Expressa Translation Company.

• Partner in Real Estate Company.

• Director of Human Settlements of San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León (3 years).

• Director of Tourism, Education and Sports of San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León (3 years).

• Assistant in the Secretariat of Primary Services of San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León (1 year and a half).

• Coordinator of English language in Elementary School of the Secretariat of Education of Nuevo León (2 years).

• Coordinator of Higher Secondary Education and Social Service in the Secretariat of Education of Nuevo León (2 years).

• Delegate at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in South Africa.

• Teacher in various Institutions (For more than 20 years).

• Participation in the National Economic Development Forum.

• Director of the High School of the Metropolitan University of Monterrey (8 years).

• Candidate for the City Hall of San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León, through the citizenry.

• Federal Deputy in the LIX Legislature.

• National Coordinator of the campaign of the current President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

• Federal Deputy and Deputy Coordinator of the Parliamentary Group of MORENA in the LXIV Legislature. Social Trajectory

• Participation in Grupo San Ángel (1994).

• Organizer of the World March of Women 2000, Nuevo León chapter.

• Founder of the Civil Association "Mexican Evolution" (2010).

• Speaker in various International Institutes about diverse topics in Viña del Mar, University of Berkeley in California, and the London School of Economics in the United Kingdom (2018).

• Columnist for the newspapers El Porvenir, El Financiero, Noroeste, Milenio and Horizonte.

• Author of the books "Curul 206, A vision of the Congress", "Maquío, my father", "Together we made history", co-author of the book “Couples Couples” and "Chronicles of an announced fraud".


Sergiu GAIBU

Minister of Economy, The Republic of Moldova


Date of birth: 13-05-1976

Job experience:

November 2016 - July 2021 Expert Grup, Independent Think-Tank Position: Program Director Responsibilities: elaboration of studies and economic policies, consultancy and technical assistance for the NBM, NCFM, Government, public authorities.

February 2016 - November 2016 World Bank Project (UIPAC), ICT sector consultant. Responsibilities: capacity building of MIEPO (Moldavian Investment and Export Promotion Organization).

February 2015 - April 2015 GIZ, Prime Minister's Economic Development Advisory Project, Moldova. Position: National Expert on project evaluation. Responsibilities: evaluating project implementation according to OECD standards.

October 2008 - October 2016 Institute for Development and Social Initiatives “IDIS Viitorul”, Position: Economic expert, associate. Responsibilities: economic policy evaluation, macroeconomic and financial market analysis and research.

July 2009 - November 2014 CB “Romanian Commercial Bank”, Position: Member of the Executive Committee, Executive Director of the operations and information technology functional line.

October 2007 - September 2008 CB “Mobiasbanca Societe Generale” SA. Position: Head of Projects and Organization Department.

November 2004 - October 2007 USAID Project: Anti-Trafficking Initiative in Moldova, Implementer: Winrock International, Position: Financial Manager.

December 2000 - June 2003 CB “Mobiasbanca” SA, Position: Head of Promotion Section, Marketing Department.

March 1999 - November 2000 Agency for Enterprise Restructuring and Assistance (ARIA). Position: Consultant.

October 1996 - February 1999 CB “Moldova Agroindbank” SA, Position: Senior Economist, Lending Department.


1993 - 1998 Academy of Economic Studies, Chisinau, Moldova, Specialty: International Economic Relations. Trainings and conferences:

February 2020 - “Impact Assessment of policies and bills”, Academy of Public Administration, Chisinau, course delivered by DAI, Erik AKSE April 2016 - International Economic Forum, Krakow, Poland, moderation of the Public Procurement Reforms panel January 2014 - Back Office Forum in Banks, Vienna, Austria

May 2012 - Back Office Forum in Banks, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

August 2005 - Practical training in finance, Winrock International, Little Rock, Arkansas

June - July 2002 - Participation in the Community Connection Program “Moldova - Pennsylvania International Center”. Practical training at 4 banks in North Carolina, USA.

July 2000 - Participation in the Moral Re-Arming Conference, Caux Switzerland.

May 2000 - Participation in the International Management Conference 20 Keys, Johannesburg, South Africa.

May 1999 - Training course “Restructuring tools and techniques”, ACEEPN Academy of Central and Eastern Europe Privatization Network, Ljubliana, Slovenia.

Languages: Romania, Russian, English, French.



Minister of National Economy, State of Palestine


Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Qassim Al-Abdullah Al-Thani

Minister of Commerce and Industry, State of Qatar


His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed Bin Hamad Bin Qassim Al-Thani was appointed Minister of Commerce & Industry in October 2021. H.E. currently holds several high positions in the State of Qatar, including as a member of the Supreme Council for Economic Affairs & Investment, Chairman of the Boards of Directors of Al Rayan Bank, Qatar Stock Exchange, the Advisory Board of the Investment Promotion Agency and the Qatar Financial Center Authority. H.E. is also the Deputy-Chairman of the Board of Directors of Qatar Development Bank and a Member of the Boards of Directors of the Qatar Investment Authority and Qatar Energy. Throughout his extensive career, H.E. has held several other key supervisory positions. From March 2018 until October 2021, H.E. was Deputy-Governor and Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of Qatar Central Bank. and Deputy Chairman of the QFC Regulatory Authority. From November 2018 until October 2021, H.E. also served as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Qatar Financial Markets Authority. Previously, H.E. was Director of Risk Management at Qatar Central Bank and also served for five years as the Secretary of the Personal Representative of His Highness the Amir for follow-up affairs.


Batyr Taganovich ATDAYEV


He was born in 1973 in Atabayev village of Kaka district of Ahal province. He graduated from Turkmen State Mahtumkuli University in 1995. Educational specialization - lawyer, government and military administration. He also graduated from the Turkmenistan Ministry of Defense Saparmurat Turkmenbashi Military Institute High Command Academic Faculty in 2017. 
Between 1996 and 1997, he worked as a tenant in G.Atabayev Farmer's Union in Altın Asır district of Ahal province. 
From February 1997 to April 2011, he held various positions in the Turkmen Prosecutor's Office. He served as the Head of the Turkmenistan Supreme Audit Office in 2011-2016.
He worked as the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Turkmenistan in 2016-2017. He was the Prosecutor General of Turkmenistan from May 2017 to June 2022. He was appointed as the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers (Responsible for Trade, Textile, Turkmenhalı, Stock Exchange and Private Sector) on June 4, 2022.
Medals Received: "20th Anniversary of Turkmenistan's Independence", "Magtymguly Pyragy" medal, "Independent, Eternal Neutral Turkmenistan", "25th Anniversary of Turkmenistan's Independence", "Malikguly Berdimuhammedov", "25th Anniversary of Turkmenistan's Neutrality" He is the owner of the "Defensive of the Motherland of Turkmenistan" medals. He also has the honorary title of "Defensive of the Motherland of Turkmenistan".


Dr. Thani bin Ahmed AL ZEYOUDI

Minister of State for Foreign Trade, United Arab Emirates

H.E Dr. Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi is UAE Minister of State for Foreign Trade, a position he has held since July 2020. His
primary responsibility is to oversee the development of non-oil foreign trade, the expansion of global trade partnerships
and the increase of UAE exports.
His Excellency is currently presiding over the nation’s efforts to secure Comprehensive Economic Partnerships
Agreements with strategic allies around the world, a key part of the UAE’s efforts to boost exports by at least 50 percent
by 2030. In May 2022, the first of these CEPAs, and the first ever bilateral deal signed by the UAE, was concluded with
long-standing trade and investment partner India.
His Excellency also leads the efforts to enhance the UAE’s investment climate and strengthen its position as a prime
destination for business and investments at both regional and global levels. is includes his portfolio as Minister in
Charge of Talent Attraction and Retention, in which he ensures the best global talents have the pathways, incentives and
opportunities to contribute to the UAE’s long-term economic objectives.
Dr ani serves as Vice Chairman of the Industry Development Council and Chairman of the Council’s Executive
Committee, as well as Deputy Chairman of Etihad Credit Insurance’s Board of Directors. His Excellency is also a member
of the Supreme Committee for the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28), the decision-making body of the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Prior to his appointment as the Minister of State for Foreign Trade, H.E. held the position of Minister of Climate Change
and Environment and supervised the implementation of the country’s strategies on climate action, agricultural
development, animal husbandry and fisheries, in addition to combating desertification and preserving biodiversity. He led
efforts to enhance the sustainability of natural systems, food diversity and the transition to a green economy.
His Excellency led the UAE’s efforts to mitigate and adapt to the impact of climate change, and protect the country's
natural ecosystem by developing and implementing a set of effective policies and initiatives to achieve sustainable
development at both regional and international levels. is was achieved by forging and strengthening partnerships with
government and private sector entities, ensuring food security and biosafety in the country as well as increasing the
quality of national agricultural production.
H.E. has also served as the Director of the Department of Energy and Climate Change at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
International Cooperation and was appointed as the UAE’s Permanent Representative to the International Renewable
Energy Agency (IRENA) as extraordinary Ambassador.
Minister Al Zeyoudi started his career as an oil engineer at the Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company (ADMA-OPCO),
and then moved to Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (Masdar), where he worked on the development of renewable
and clean energy technologies and solutions. He also played a key role in the success of the UAE’s 2009 campaign to host
the headquarters of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in Abu Dhabi.
In 2020, H.E. was chosen by the Davos World Economic Forum to become a member of the Young Global Leadership
Council, recognizing his outstanding international efforts in the field of environment and climate. In 2015, Dr. Al Zeyoudi
received the first award for Excellence from the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf in recognition of his
pioneering efforts in the field of renewable energy.
H.E Dr. ani Bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi holds a Bachelor’s degree in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Tulsa, an
MBA from the New York Institute of Technology, an MBA in Project Management from the British University in Dubai,
and a PhD in Strategy, Program and Project Management from Skema Business School in France.


José Guajardo Reyes

Undersecretary of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Chile

He was born in Talcahuano, and studied veterinary medicine at the University of Concepción, and later on obtained a Master Degree in Rural Planning from the Academy of Christian Humanism and is a member of is a member of the Social Green Federation Party.
During the last Michelle Bachelet´s government he served as Seremi (Government Representative) of Agriculture in the O'Higgins Region, one of the most dynamic and productive territories of the country in the agricultural area. While working there he created the environmental office in the commune of Lolol and was an advisor for several years to the Prodesal (program for local development) and Prodemu (Municipal development programs) programs of the Agricultural Development Institute. He obtained the United Nations Fund to implement the project “Improving Resilience to Climate Change of Small Agriculture”, initiative that seeks to support farmers in the use and management of water in their crops and increase the resilience of rural communities against the effects of climate change. He has also worked a teacher at the Technical Lyceum of Rancagua, the University of O'Higgins and the University of the Americas and before assuming his position as undersecretary, he was dedicated to veterinary services. He has been Undersecretary of Agriculture since march 11 of 2022.


Manlio Di Stefano

State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Republic of Italy


Manlio Di Stefano was born in Palermo, Sicily, in 1981.

After graduating in Computer Engineering, he worked as IT consultant for an American company. Meanwhile, he was a volunteer for an Italian NGO operating in the Democratic Republic of Congo and in Guatemala on projects related to sustainable development.

In 2013 he became a member of the Italian Parliament and he was appointed as group-leader for the Five Star Movement in the Foreign Affairs Committee for the entire legislature term.

During his mandate, he was a member of the Italian delegation to the Council of Europe, as Chairperson of the Committee on Refugee and Migrant Children and Young People.

Between 2014 and 2019 he has been the national supervisor for “LEX Parlamento”, one of the main tools included on the Five Star Movement’s web platform for e-democracy, called “Rousseau”.

In March 2018 he was re-elected member of the Italian Parliament and a few months later, on June 13th, he was appointed Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs.

In September 2019 Undersecretary Di Stefano was re-appointed with the same role in the Conte Government II.

In February 2021 he was again re-appointed Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs in the Draghi Government.



Izmir Chamber of Commerce, Vice President of the Board











English (B2)

Spanish (A2)

CAREER: After the military service; in year 1996, I started my career by founding the company Farbe Textile Among 1000 biggest Export-focused companies in Turkey; Farbe Textile has become the 665th. In year 2010, the company was rewarded with “SEM - The Highest Export Numbers” and “SEM- Highest Production Numbers-Runner Up” in the Aegean Region. In years 2012 -2013-2014-2015-2016-2017, Farbe Textile has been one of the top 100 companies paying the highest tax of corporation. Farbe Textile is now one of the biggest companies in his own sector with its yearly turnover of 35M US dollars.


Tor Demir A.Ş. Steel Industry , Managing Partner

Farbe Pazarlama ve Dış Ticaret A.Ş. Foreign Trade, Managing Partner  Farbe Design SRL. Spain - Managing Partner


Besides my career; I also pursue some social work and resposiblities, being:

Vice President of Aegean Exporter’s Association 2014-2018

Chairman of Aegean Apparel Exporter’s Association 2010-2018

Member of Turkish Exporter’s Assembly Council 2006-2018

Member of Izmir Chamber of Commerce Council 2013-2018

Vice President of Izmir Chamber of Commerce 2018-


Kavilmadam Ramaswami PARVATHY

UN World Food Program (WFP), Country Director and Representative

NAME                             : Kavilmadam, Ramaswami Parvathy

CURRENT POSITION:               United Nations World Food Programme Türkiye Country Office,

                                            Representative and Country Director

NATIONALITY           : India

EDUCATION               :  Master of Science (MSc) degree, School of Management, Cranfield University, United Kingdom (2011-2012);

                                            Diploma in Rural Social Leadership, South East Asia Rural Social Leadership Institute (SEARSOLIN), Ateneo de Cagayan (Xavier University), Cagayan De Oro City, Mindanao, The Philippines (1994-1995);

                                            Post-Graduate Diploma Course in Journalism, Indian Institute of Mass Communication, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India (1986-1987);

                                            Master of Arts (MA) in English Literature, Delhi University, Delhi, India (1984-1986);

                                            Bachelor of Arts (BA) in English Literature, Hans Raj College, Delhi University, Delhi, India (1981-1984);

                                            Senior Secondary School Certificate, DTEA Higher Secondary School, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi, India (1981).

LANGUAGES:                 English, Spanish, Tamil (mother tongue), Hindi, Malayalam


A seasoned international leader, with more than 30 years of experience in managing country, regional and global portfolios, achieving results in partnership with national governments and multi-sectoral stakeholders. Professional experiences include policy and strategy development, performance management, sustainable development programme design and implementation, at country and regional levels, in food systems, watershed management, and livelihood sectors. Adept in functioning in evolving and uncertain contexts, representing the United Nations, leading multi-cultural teams towards effective service delivery and high performance. Trusted to lead the United Nations and Partners’ actions at country level as the Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator.

July 2022 to present, Representative and Country Director, World Food Programme, Türkiye

2021-2022           Country Director (Ad Interim), World Food Programme, Liberia

2020-2021           Humanitarian Coordinator (Officer-In-Charge), Afghanistan

2019-2021           Deputy Country Director (Programme and Operations), World Food Programme, Afghanistan

2015-2019           Deputy Regional Director, World Food Programme, Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand

2014-2015           Director, Essential Services, on Secondment to the United Nations Mission for Ebola Emergency Response (UNMEER), Freetown, Sierra Leone

2009-2015            Chief, Strategy Planning, Performance and Risk Management, World Food Programme Global Headquarters, Rome, Italy

2005-2009            Regional Programme Advisor, World Food Programme, Regional Bureau for Asia, Bangkok, Thailand

2001-2005           Programme Officer, Operations Department, World Food Programme, Rome, Italy

1996-2001           Programme Officer, World Food Programme, New Delhi, India

1989-1996           Programme Consultant, New Concept Consultancy Services, New Delhi, India


Prof. Dr. Mustafa TANYERİ

İzmir Chamber of Commerce, Secretary General

Professor Doctor Mustafa Tanyeri was born on the 21st April, 1956 in İzmir. He completed his BA degree in 1978 at Business Faculty of the Aegean University and his Master Degree in 1980. He obtained the title of Doctorate in 1986, Associate Professor & Lecturer in 1991 and Professor in 2007. He served as Director of the Regional Development and Business Sciences Research Center at the Dokuz Eylül University, Director of Lifelong Learning Center, Deputy Dean of the Business Faculty and Chair of the International Relations and International Business Departments. He worked in EU, UNDP and World Bank projects. He lectured as visiting professor at the Hamburg University in 1987. He carried the task of Secretary General of the Aegean Young Businessmen Association (EGİAD) from 1992 to 2018. He is the Secretary General of the İzmir Chamber of Commerce since the 24th April, 2018. He is married and father of one daughter. He speaks English.


Ali Osman ÖĞMEN

Izmir Chamber of Commerce, Treasurer of the Executive Board, Dikili Agricultural Greenhouse Specialized Organized Industrial Zone, Chairman of the Board

He was born in Denizli on 05.05.1960. After graduating from Gönen Teachers' Training School in 1977, He studied in Ege University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Landscape Architecture between 1977-1981 and graduated in 1981. Since 1986, he has been continuing his professional life in Çağlar Çiçek Pey.Tar.Ürn.Tic. ve San.Ltd.Şti and working as founding partner and General Manager. He also has been a Member of the Assembly of the Izmir Chamber of Commerce since 1999. Beside that, he is on the position of the Member of the Board of the Izmir Chamber of Commerce. In addition to being a member of the IZTO Foundation Board of Trustees, he is a member of the International Interflora Florists Association.

He is married and has one child.



Agricultural Specialized Organized Industrial Zone, Consultant

He was born in Sarıkamış in 1982. After completing his primary, secondary and high school education in Ağrı, he completed his undergraduate education in Niğde University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Geological Engineering in 2005. Then, he did his master's degree in Geothermal Energy at Selcuk University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Geological Engineering. He worked on many research projects during his undergraduate and graduate studies. Between 2006-2009, he worked as a project and control/supervising engineer in Ağrı Village Services Unit and Special Provincial Administration. He has worked in many infrastructure and drilling projects in the private sector since 2009. He worked as the general manager for 2.5 years at Diyadin Geothermal Joint-Stock Company, which makes geothermal district heating systems. Since 2014, he has worked as a coordinator and consultant in many ABSOIZ and OIZ projects, especially Diyadin Agriculture-Based Greenhouse Specialized OIZ. As of the end of 2018, he provided project consultancy in the establishment processes of ABSOIZs that are planned to be established in İzmir. He is still working as a project consultant at Dikili Agriculture-Based Greenhouse Specialized OIZ. He is married and has three children.



Izmir Commodity Exchange, Secretary General

Currently, Secretary General of Izmir Commodity Exchange. Worked as the CIO of Turkish
Derivatives Exchange – VOB/TurkDEX (Currently operating in Borsa Istanbul) for 12 years. Past
experiences also include positions such as System Architect at ING Bank Turkey and Group
Manager at TOBB-Net (A former affiliated company of The Union of Chambers and Commodity
Exchanges of Turkey). Lectures on Management Information Systems at The Department of
Computer Science in Ege University. Areas of focus are financial and commodity exchanges, core
and ancillary banking systems, matching systems, order management systems, trading systems,
commodity securitization, licensed warehouses, electronic warehouse receipts, mission critical
systems, data dissemination systems, data mining, business intelligence, business continuity,
disaster recovery, e-marketplaces, high performance software development, commodity financing,
capital markets, financial analysis, credit ratings, technical and basic security analysis. Graduate of
Computer Science. Holds a PhD degree in Economics and a MSc degree in Money & Banking.
Worked as an engineer, practitioner, advisor and manager in the fields of his expertise.
Mobil : +90 533 5976791
E-Mail :
Profile :
Feb. 2015 – Present
Izmir Commodity Exchange / Secretary General
• Commodity Exchange Management
• E-Marketplaces, Physical and Electronic Auction & Order Management Systems
• Electronic Warehouse Receipt Systems & Licensed Warehouses
• Information Dissemination / Exchange Reporting facilities
• Member / Product / Market / Information Projects
• Integration of Agricultural Markets to Financial System
• Management in a non-profit, member-run, public institution
Dec 2013 – Feb 2015
ING Bank Turkey / Systems Architect / IT Product Manager
• Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery of Banking Applications
• Core and Ancillary Banking Applications Setup in Data Centre
• Automation of Application Failover and Resiliency
• Data Centre infrastructure Installation & Management
• Management of Steering Committee for Business Continuity
• Bank & University Collaboration projects
• Science and Technology Parks & Technology Development Zones
• Business Development for Banking
• Setting up Disaster Recovery Routines
Secretary General of Izmir Commodity Exchange
Dec 2002 – Nov 2013
Turkish Derivatives Exchange - TurkDEX
(Merged with Borsa Istanbul in 2013) / CIO, Chief Information Officer
Responsible for all information & communication technology of TurkDEX.
Management, Development, Installation, Implementation and Maintenance of IT
systems and Regulatory Framework
• Business Analysis of Trading, risk management, and ancillary systems
• Software Development, Quality Assurance and Implementation
• Management of Service Delivery & Support
• IT Governance Implementation
• Infrastructure & Networking
• Information Security
• IT & Business Alignment
• Project Management
• IT Strategy & Tactic Decisions Formulation
• Budgeting and Procurement
• Systems Installation, Implementation and Maintenance
• Electronic Collaboration, Workflow and Digital Archiving
• Management of Agreements and Negotiations
• eWRS based Warehouses and Exchanges
Achieved %99.989 uptime in exchange trading systems for the last 8 years in
TurkDEX. Exchange trading systems processed an average of one billion USDs per
day, 60000 orders/day and 30000 trades/day.
Developed various in-house software. These include exchange data dissemination,
business intelligence tools, derivatives trading simulators and games, CRM,
reporting engine, integration interfaces including Financial Information Exchange
protocol, surveillance & oversight, enterprise web portal, utilities and departmental
level software tools. Our in-house Surveillance Software was nominated to the
“Computerworld Honors Program” in 2011 and honored as a finalist using information
technology to benefit society in the Economic Opportunity Category.
Aug 2001 – Dec 2002
TOBB-Net, The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, Ankara
Group Manager, Customer Support & Software Quality
Responsible for consultancy, business analysis and quality assurance of software for
commodity exchanges and chambers of commerce & industry.
• Consultancy on spot and cash commodity exchanges
• Consultancy on the development of electronic warehouse receipt (eWRS) systems
and regulatory framework
• Licensed warehouses
• Project management
• Systems Analysis
• Database Installation & Management
• Software Quality Assurance
• Application Support
• Business & IT Alignment
Oct 1998 – Aug 2001
Derivatives Training and Con. Inc. (VIED A.Ş.), İzmir
Director, Information Technologies & RD
Responsible for business analysis and development of a software for trading derivatives
(futures & options) instruments. Installation, maintenance and operation of all IT systems.
Creation of research & economics reports.
• Business Analysis & Development
• Software Development (Derivatives Trading System)
• IT Procurement, Budgeting and Planning
• Project Management
• Systems Analysis, Installation & Maintenance
• System & Office Automation Management
• E-marketplace projects
Research and Development
• Production of Economic Reports for Members and Public
• Feasibility Studies
• Research Reports on Derivatives Trading
• Collect & Present Statistics, Periodical Publications
• Worked in collaboration with Eurex AG (Germany), CBOT (USA)
• Worked in World Bank Projects on Commodity Exchange Systems
Mar 1996 – Oct 1998
Izmir Commodity Exchange, İzmir
Manager, Information Technologies & RD
Responsible for the operation and development of all IT systems. Installation,
maintenance and operation of all IT systems. Creation of research & economics reports.
• Software Development & Implementation (Commodity Exchange)
• Systems analysis/design and administration
• Network installation and management
• Information and News Bulletins
• Information Dissemination Systems
• Reports and articles for periodicals, Statistics
Jul 1991 – Mar 1996
Yöntem Investment Counselling Inc. & ASMAŞ (Heavy Industrial Mach. Prod.) Inc.
(Group Companies) / Systems Analyst/ Programmer
• Software Development (Portfolio Management and Financial Analysis)
• Installation and Management of the IT environment
• IT Consultancy
• Analysis and Software Development of The Production Line
• Implementation of Training to Middle Level Management.
• Developing a MRP Software.
• Developing Software for Planning and Production Departments.
Investment Consultant
• Production of Periodical Bulletins and Reports
• Analysis on Stocks, Stock Indices, Bonds and Mutual Funds.
• Management of a portfolio of Treasury Bonds/Bills, Currencies, Stocks and
Foreign Securities.
Sep 1990 – Jun 1991
Ege University Dep. of Computer Engineering, İzmir
System Administrator (Part Time)
• Administered a VSE, CICS, and DB2 environment.
• Implemented training courses of CICS for graduate students.
Sep 2005 – Present
Ege University
Dep.of Computer Engineering, İzmir
Part Time Guest Lecturer, MIS
Main course topics of MIS (Management Information Systems) are as follows:
Information Classification; Decision Making via DSS/MIS/EIS/AI/ES; Information
Security; Data Privacy; Database as an Information Store; Data Warehouse; OLAP
versus OLTP; Modelling and Integration of Data; IT Management Frameworks;
Sharing and Collaboration Tools.
Sep 2018 – Sep 2019
İzmir University of Economics
Dep. of International Trade and Finance, İzmir
Part Time Guest Lecturer, STF
Main course topics of STF (Special Topics in Finance) are as follows: Time Value
of Money, Stock Valuation & Technical Analysis, Bond & Bill Valuation, Credit
Assessment Ratings, Personal Finance, Financing Commodity Markets, The Impact
of Mergers and Acquisitions, Digital Transformation in Banking, Capital Markets and
Financial Instruments and Its impacts, Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain
Company/Institution Duty
Izmir Bilimpark Technopark Member of the Board
Technopark Izmir Member of the Board
TOBB Emekli Sandığı Vakfı Member of the Board
Key Specialties – Information Technology
Real Time & Mission Critical Systems, Exchange/Trading Systems, Commodity
Exchanges, Core and Ancillary Banking Applications, Licensed Warehouses, Electronic
Warehouse Receipts, Data Dissemination Systems, Commodity Trading Systems, IT
Service Management, IT Governance, Information Security, Project Management,
Management Information Systems, System Administration, ITIL and ITSM procedures,
IT Procurement, Software Development, Database Administration, Leading IT
teams, Implementation Projects, Business Process Management, Digital Archiving,
E-Commerce, Business Intelligence, Complex Event Processing, Report Generation,
Quality Assurance Approaches in Development and Service, Disaster Recovery, IT
Business Continuity
Key Specialties – Business
Capital Markets, Banking Applications, Derivatives Trading and Risk Management,
Technical Analysis, Portfolio Management, Credit Risk Ratings, Licensed Warehouses,
Electronic Warehouse Receipts, Econometrics, Made-to-Order Production Systems,
Systems and Business Analysis, Workflows, Financial Analysis and Construction of
Financial Statements, Portfolio & Treasury management, R&D organization, Feasibility
studies, Statistics, Financial Mathematics, Derivatives Instruments, Exchange and
Marketplace Systems Construction, Data Analysis, Business Continuity
IT Tools & Environments
HP-UX, Linux (Red-Hat), Windows server and client series, .Net C#, .Net ASP, Java,
Oracle, Sybase, Informix, MS SQL, Microsoft Office software including Project & Visio,
MS Exchange Server, SharePoint Portal Server, Documentum, Checkpoint, TrendMicro,
Websense, SANs
1986 – 1991, Ege University, IZMIR, TURKEY
• BSc, Computer Engineering
1991 – 1994, Dokuz Eylül University, IZMIR, TURKEY
• MSc, Money and Banking
• Thesis on Credit Rating Systems in Financial Markets
1996 – 2003, Celal Bayar University, MANISA, TURKEY
• PhD, Theory of Economics
• Thesis on Risk Management with Derivatives Instruments and its Macroeconomic
Some of the training I attended are listed below.
• Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), HP
• HP-Unix (HP-UX) System Administration (I,II,III,IV) HP
• IT Governance, HP
• Oracle System Administration I,II, ORACLE
• Presentation Techniques, TMI
• Putting People First, TMI
• System & Database Administration, Sybase
• Unix System Administration, Datapro
• Windows Server Administration, Netron
• Powerbuilder, Powersoft.
• Employeeship in Star Quality, TMI
• Technical Analysis, Uğur Civelek
• Time Management, PDR
• Reuters All Courses, Reuters
• Travelling,swimming,sailing,scuba diving, billiards, history, archeology
• Member of Chamber of Computer Engineers (BMO)
• Member of Aegean Finance Association (EFD)
• Member of Association of Turkish IT Specialists (TBD)
• Business collaboration works, symposiums, workshops in the USA (Chicago, Miami),
UK (London), Russia (Moscow), Portugal (Lisbon), Germany (Berlin, Frankfurt),
Denmark (Copenhagen), Hong Kong, France (Paris, Nice), Republic of South Africa
(Johannesburg), Sweden (Stockholm), Netherlands, Turkmenistan
Participated in many events and seminars in Turkey and abroad. Below are some of them I
was invited to as a speaker.
• Speaker; Datacenter Dynamics,
• Case Study: ING Bank’s Leading Approach to Business Continuity and Disaster
Recovery-An Inspiring Success Story, Dec.04,2014, İstanbul
• Moderator; FX World Istanbul,
• Forex and Derivatives Conference and Expo, “The Importance of Bridge Connection
(B2B)”, September 25-28, 2014, Istanbul
• Speaker; Futures Industry Association;
• Turkish Derivatives Markets Conference, “Strategies for Turkey’s Finance Technology for
Derivatives Markets” Nov. 13-14, 2012, Istanbul
• Speaker; WBR Singapore Pte Ltd - Exchange Tech,
• “Emerging Markets Panel, what do emerging exchanges need to do to attract
international entrants by encouraging greater domestic participation and increasing
liquidity?”,September 6-8, 2011, Hong Kong
• Speaker; Futures Industry Association,
• Turkish Derivatives Conference, “Evolution of Algorithmic Trading in High Frequency
World”, September 19, 2011, Istanbul
• Speaker; FIX Protocol Organization,
• EMEA Trading Conference, “EMEA Emerging Markets Session”, March 1 2011,London
Fluent in English
Married (2 children), Date of Birth: August 29, 1969


Prof. Dr. Yaşar UYSAL

Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Economics Department

  1. Family name  :      UYSAL
  2. First names    :      YAŞAR
  3. Date of birth  :      10 JUNE 1967
  4. Nationality     :      TURKISH
  5. Civil status     :      MARRIED
  6. Education



Degrees or Diplomas obtained:

DOKUZEYLÜL UNIVERSITYFaculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Department of Public Finance [1984-88]

BSc Economics / Finance


MSc in Economics


PhD in Economics

Thesis: Income Distribution and Evaluation of the Economic Policies That May Influence the Underlining Relations: Case of Turkey


Previous Employment:

Research Assistant: Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences: 13.01.1992 19.01.1998

Research Assistant PhD: Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences: 20.01.1998 - 16.09.1998

Lecturer, PhD: Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences 17.09.1998 - 22.02.2000  

Assistant professor: Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences 23.02.2000 - 14.10.2002

Associate professor: Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences 15.10.2002- 19.04.2008

Current Position

Professor: Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences 20.04.2008-

Administrative Duties

2017-2020 Director of Department of Economics

2017- 2020 Member of University Senate

2017- 2020 Member of the Faculty Council

2011-2019 Director of Science Branch

2006-2009 Deputy Director; DEU-BIMER Center of Regional Development and Business Administrative Sciences Research and Practice

Advisory Duties

1994 - 1999 Izmir Mercantile Exchange (Economic Advisor)

1999 – 2005 Izmir Mercantile Exchange (R&D Unit Director)

2007 - 2019  Izmir Union of Chambers of Tradesmen and Handicraft (Economic Advisor)

2009 -2018 TARIS Olive and Olive Oil Agricultural Cooperatives Union (Economic Advisor)

2014 – 2018 Izmir Metropolitan Municipality (Adviser of Agricultural Department)

2011-          Aegean Region Chamber of Industry Foundation (Economic Advisor)

Awards and Honours

  1. Uysal, Yasar and I. Mazgit, 1993, second prize with academic paper named;“Solution oriented integrated approach to the problems of the Turkish Livestock sector” in the scientific contest on the topic of “Current issues of Livestock sector in Turkey and solution proposals” organisedby Yasar Educational Foundation
  2. Çetinkaya, M., Y. Uysal ve I. Mazgit,  1994, first prizewith academic paper named, “An integrated approach to spread the R&D and technological innovation activities in Turkey” in the contest on the topic “How research, development and Technological improvement could be extended in Turkey ?” orginesd by Istanbul Chamber of Commerce.
  3. Uysal, Y., İ. Mazgit ve M. Çetinkaya, 1995, first prize on economics branch with the paper named “Economic stability programmes in Turkey and in cognate countries and an integrated approach for Turkey” in the conventional award contest of Milliyet (daily  newspaper)
  4. Uysal, Y., H. Öymener ve B. Yavuz, 1996,third prize on the branches of Turkey’s issues with the paper named“Restructuring Turkish educational system in the approaching era of information society” inthe conventional award contest of Milliyet (daily  newspaper)
  5. Uysal, Y., 1996, honorable mention, with the paper named “The future of the information society and the market economy” in the contest on the topic of “the future of the market economy” organised by Dünya (daily  newspaper)
  6. Uysal, Y., N. Balaylar, 2003, third prize, with the paper named “exchange rate system alternative for Turkey, in the light of global developments and national conditions” in the contest on the topic “exchange rate system alternative for Turkey” organised by  Young Businessmen Association of Turkey


Selected courses


1- Agricultural Economics

2- Economic policy

3- Monetary policy

4- Competition theory and policy

5- Micro Economics


1- The European Union Agriculture policy

2- Analysis of Economic Policies

3- Analysis of Economic indicators


1 - Applied economic policy


√ 14 books related with agriculture, ındustry, economic policy, restructuring of society

√ More than 100 articles, book chapter, communiques

√ More than 400 conferences, seminars



Chairman of the Board, Aegean Region Chamber of Industry (EBSO)

Ender YORGANCILAR, born in İzmir in 1957, has been a Member of the Assembly of the Aegean Region Chamber of Industry (EBSO) since 1994 and served as Member of the Executive Board for six years, President of Assembly between 2005-2008 and has been President of the Executive Board since 2009. He served as a Member of the Executive Board of the Unìon of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) for 2009-2013 period and was elected for TOBB’s Executive Board as the Vice President for 2013-2018 period

Besides being the Senior Consultant to the President of TOBB, a member of the General Administrative Board of TOBB and the President of various affiliates of TOBB for 2018-2022 period; he is at the same the Co-Chair of Turkey - Germany Joint Economic and Trade Committee (JETCO).

YORGANCILAR, who believes that he can fulfill his duty of loyalty to his country by serving the best, and who is a member of the board of directors in many institutions and organizations in the local area, has also been granted many awards for his successful works and services in finding solutions for the issues of the industrialists.

Yorgancılar made concrete contributions to Izmir in the fields of health and education; which are the basic needs of a society and in alignment with his beliefs that only the countries which have their own technology can truly be independent and Turkey has to be among the technology producing countries in order to make the country’s economy competitive to international standards and furthermore reduce the current deficit, established Izeltas Research and Development Center which has achieved great and rarely seen success in Turkey.

Yorgancılar is married, has a son and a grandson.


Prof. Dr. Banu YÜCEL

Dean, Ege University Faculty of Agriculture


E. Feyhan YAŞAR

Chair of the Board, Yaşar Holding


Michael G. FRANCOM

Agricultural Counselor, US Embassy Ankara


Rodrigo E. Arcos CASTRO

Chile’s Ambassador to Ankara





He completed his undergraduate education at Selçuk University Faculty of Communication and completed his master's degree in business administration at Kennesaw State University.

Having started his career in the media sector at Milliyet Newspaper in 1997, Donat worked as an economy editor at Sabah Newspaper between 2009-2012.

Donat, who has made news, research and special interviews for the energy, agriculture and food sectors, has been working as the Agriculture Editor of Bloomberg HT channel since 2013.

He prepares and presents Agriculture Analysis, Smart Agriculture and Seasonal Agriculture programs on Bloomberg HT Television, also writes columns on agriculture and food sector on .

İrfan Donat was deemed worthy of various awards by national and international non-governmental organizations such as United Nations Agriculture and Food Organization FAO, Turkish Chamber of Agricultural Engineers, Turkish Agriculturalists Association and Economy Journalists Association.



İzmir Commodity Exchange, Chairperson


Işınsu Kestelli was born in Konya in 1962. After graduating from American Collegiate Institute High School in İzmir in 1981, she received her B.A. degree from the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir in 1985.

Married with one child, Mrs. Kestelli is the founding partner of a privately-held company, Agrilink Agricultural Products Co. Ltd., where she continues her trading activities on international edible oils.

In 1992, she took part in the Edible Oils Professional Committee of İzmir Commodity Exchange (ICE) and became a member of the Board of Directors of the ICE in 1995. Mrs. Kestelli served as the vice chairperson of the Board of Directors from 2003 to 2009 in İzmir Commodity Exchange where she was elected as the chairperson in 2009.

Having been elected as the chairperson of the Board of Directors of the ICE in 2009, Mrs. Kestelli once again received the vote of confidence in the elections held in February, 2013 and has been serving the same position since then.


• Chairperson of the Board of Directors of İzmir Commodity Exchange

• Chairperson of the Board of Directors of IZLADAS

• Board Member of BIST

• Board Member of IZKA

• Board Member of IZQ

• Board Member of IZFAS

• Board Member of IKV

• Member of Anatolia Autism Foundation Trustees Board

• Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Orange Foundation

• Board Member of TOBB

• Member of TOBB Commodity Exchange Council

• Honorary member of Izmir Commodity Exchange

• Member of Aegean Economic Development Foundation (EGEV) Trustees Board

• Board Member of Economic Development Foundation

• Member of Aegean Young Businessmen's Association (EGIAD) Advisory Board

• Member of TUSIAD

• Board Member of Foundation for Children in need of Protection (KORUNCUK)

• Board Member of Economic Development Foundation

• Member of TOBB Strategy Development High Board

• Member of İzmir Economic Development Coordination Board

• Member of women entrepreneurs association (KAGIDER)

• Member of Izmir Economy University Board of

• Member of IZVAK Board of trustees



Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, General Directorate of Plant Production


Şevket MERİÇ

İzmir Metropolitan Municipality, Head of Agricultural Services Department



Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Vice President of Assembly

Forward-thinking senior executive with proven record of
accomplishment in food industry during 25 years career. Driven and
ambitious change manager dedicated to continuous business
improvement focused on enhancing revenue and streamlining business
operations. Focused on profit maximisation through multifaceted
business approaches.
Managing Director
Tioga Foods Ltd. - Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire
I have been living in Uk since 6th April 2021. I have established my own
company for consulting and outsourcing activities in frozen food
industry. I have more than 20 years of experience in this field as a food
engineer, agronomist and company holder. I am also president of Turkish
Frozen Food Association and very well known expert among all society. I
would like to share my experience and network for an esteemed
company in UK which I can add value on the business.
Senior Partner & Founder
Kaledonya Dis Tic.Ltd.Sti. - Bursa, Turkey
Kaledonya is a privately owned company and one of Turkey's leading
vertically integrated producers, marketers and distributors of
high-quality frozen fruit, vegetables and selected value-added frozen
food products. Our customer base includes leading foodservice
distributors, food manufacturing concerns and specialty catering
companies. We are a new generation business partner that provides
production and procurement services with the "Green World"
understanding that is environmentally friendly, sustainable and
adhering to the principles of food safety with our Food Engineering and
Agricultural Economics infrastructure.
I am the founder and senior partner of Kaledonya.
Doctor of Philosophy: Agricultural Economy
University of Uludag – Bursa
Master of Science: Food Engineering, 06/1996
University of Uludag – Bursa
Preparation Course: Language Center, 06/1995
University of Hull – Hull, Kingston upon Hull
Bachelor of Science: Agricultural Engineering, 06/1993
University of Uludag – Bursa



Manchester University Senior Lecturer





Mehmet Ali IŞIK

Coordinator of Organic Products and Sustainability, Aegean Exporters’ Associations

Mehmet Ali Işık, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Aegean Dried Fruits and Products Exporters' Association, was born in Izmir in 1957.

Mehmet Ali Işık graduated from Dokuz Eylul University, Food Technology Department and started his business life in 1974. After he founded Işık Tarım Ürünleri Sanayi ve Ticaret Company in 1982, he entered the organic sector with his own project in Turkey and founded Işık Organic in 1990.

Mehmet Ali Işık, one of the founders of the Ecological Agriculture Organization Association, has worked Decisively for 12 years as a Member of the Board of Directors of the Ecological Agriculture Organization Association in numerous projects for the development of the organic sector in Turkey. During his presidency of the Organic Products Committee in the Aegean Exporters' Associations, he brought organic agriculture to the forefront in cooperation with universities, public institutions and non-governmental organizations. He was elected as the Organic Products and Sustainability Coordinator of the Aegean Exporters' Association.

Between the 2010-2014, he was a member of the Audit Board of the Aegean Dried Fruits Exporters’ Association. From 2016-2018, he was a member of the Board of Directors and from 2018-2022, he served as the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Aegean Dried Fruits Exporters’ Association. He was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Aegean Dried Fruits Exporters’ Association. Mehmet Ali Işık went down in history as the first name elected as the Chairman of the Board of Directors from the organic sector in the 83-year history of Exporters' Associations in Turkey. Işık is married and has two children.



Permanent Delegation of Türkiye to the European Union, Chief Commercial Counsellor

She graduated from the Department of International Relations of the Faculty of Political Sciences at Ankara University. In 1996, she joined the Undersecretariat for Foreign Trade where she worked as foreign trade expert and head of section in DG for EU Affairs until 2006.  Between 2006 and 2009 she was Trade Counselor at the Permanent Delegation of Türkiye to the EU in Brussels. Following completion of the foreign service, she worked first as Head of Department and then Deputy Director General in DG for EU Affairs in the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Trade. Since September 2020, she has been serving as Chief Trade Counselor in the Permanent Delegation of Türkiye to the EU. Her areas of expertise cover Türkiye-EU trade relations and the Customs Union as well as a large number of trade and investment related policy areas like technical regulations of products, services, public procurement, IPR and competition. She has a master’s degree in international affairs from the Columbia University in New York.


Heather BYRNES

Regional Senior Commercial Officer, Eurasia and Minister Counselor for Commercial Affairs, U.S. Embassy Ankara, Turkey

As Regional Senior Commercial Officer for Eurasia, based in the U.S. Embassy in Ankara, Heather Byrnes manages Commerce’s five offices in Turkey, Ukraine and Kazakhstan as well as partner post commercial activities in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. In this role, Heather develops and implements policies, strategies and programs to advance U.S. economic and commercial interests throughout Eurasia and solves market access issues facing U.S. firms seeking to expand or enter the region.

Heather’s previous overseas assignments have been as Counselor for Commercial Affairs in the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, Principal Commercial Officer in the U.S. Consulate in St. Petersburg, Senior Commercial Officer in the U.S. Embassy in Accra and Commercial Officer in the U.S. Consulate in Johannesburg. Heather also served a domestic tour in the U.S. Export Assistance Center in Salt Lake City.

Prior to joining the Commercial Service, Heather served on the board of directors of one of Europe’s largest market research agencies. Based in Dublin for over a decade, Heather led client account teams servicing both multi-nationals and medium-sized companies.

Born and raised in Alaska, Heather was a Rhodes Scholarship finalist and received a B.A., cum laude, from Georgetown University. She was a Fulbright Scholar and Lois P. Roth Fellow in Public Administration at the University of Tampere, Finland. A former AFS Exchange Student in Lapland, Heather speaks fluent Finnish, Russian and Turkish.


Prof. Dr. Levent KURNAZ

Bogazici University Center for Climate Change and Policy Studies

Prof. Levent Kurnaz was born in Istanbul. He received his B.S. Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering in 1988, his M.S. Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and his B.S. Degree in Physics in 1990 from Bogazici University, his M.S. Degree in Physics in 1991 and his Ph.D. Degree in Physics in 1994 from University of Pittsburgh. Between 1995 and 1997 he worked as a research associate at Department of Chemistry in Tulane University. In 1997 he joined Bogazici University Physics Department as an assistant professor. Since he has been a Professor of Physics at Bogazici University. In 2014 he has been appointed as the Director of the Center for Climate Change and Policy Studies at Bogazici University. Prof. Kurnaz has 1 international book and 26 scientific papers in international journals. He has been an advisor to 24 M.S. and 6 Ph.D. thesis ongoing and finished. He is married with two children.



Turkish Chamber of Shipping İzmir Branch, Chairman of the Board

Mr. Yusuf Ozturk was born in Yozgat/Turkey in 01.11.1968. After finishing his primary, middle and high school in various cities of Turkey, he earned his B.A. degree in Maritime Business and Management from Maritime Faculty of Dokuz Eylul University in Izmir/Turkey. After completing his undergraduate degree, Mr. Ozturk started his professional life in Marti Link Container Company as a trainee then he became the Chairman of the Board of the same company.

Mr. Ozturk elected as a Board Member of the Turkish Chamber of Shipping Izmir Branch in 2001. At the same time, he served as a Member of the Assembly of Turkish Chamber of Shipping as a representative of Turkish Chamber of Shipping Izmir Branch. Yusuf Ozturk elected as Chairman of the Board of Turkish Chamber of Shipping Izmir Branch in May, 2013 and April, 2018.

Besides these duties;

• Chairman of the Marine Environment Protection Association (TURMEPA) Izmir Branch,

• Honorary and Advisory Board Member of Aegean Young Businessmen Association (EGIAD),

• Vice Chairman of the Board of Dokuz Eylul University Foundation,

• Board Member of Marine Tourism Work Shop, established by Turkish Chamber of Shipping.

• He served as Board Member of Turkish Sailing Federation in the past years.

Mr. Ozturk is married and he speaks English.


Prof. Dr. Okan TUNA

Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Maritime Faculty Member

Dokuz Eylul University, Maritime Faculty, Head of Logistics Management Department
Prof. Dr. Okan Tuna completed his undergraduate education at Ege University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Food Engineering. He received his master's degree from Dokuz Eylül University Social Sciences Institute "International Business Administration" and his doctorate from Istanbul University Social Sciences Institute "Marketing" Department.
His post-doctorate was on "logistics management" at the University of Plymouth in England.
Prof. Dr. Tuna has a large number of publications on Marketing, Logistics, Education and Supply Chain both national and international level.
Prof. Dr. Tuna is a founding partner of ShipsGo/ CNTR Bilişim A.Ş. which operates in DEPARK Technology Development Zone.



Head of Infrastructure Division, Economic Policy Department, Ministry of Economy of Azerbaijan Republic


Full Name:

Kanan Mamishov

Date and Place of Birth:

14.02.1983, Kuybishev, Russian Federation



Marital Status:






Secondary school / gymnasium / lyceum


Secondary School

Saatli, Azerbaijan (1989-1998)

Lyceum inclined in Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science

Baku, Azerbaijan (1998-2000)

Name of University


Enter-Graduate years


Azerbaijan State Oil Academy

Energy Economics and Management


Bachelor’s degree

Azerbaijan State Oil Academy

Business formation and Management


Master’s degree

University College London (UCL)

MSc in Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment


Master of Science


Name of the Workplace

Position/Main Responsibilities

Start&finish years of employment

Military service (by conscription)

A squad member in mortar platoon


The Secretariat of the Tariff (price) Council of Azerbaijan Republic



The Secretariat of the Tariff (price) Council of Azerbaijan Republic

Chief Adviser

2010 - 2015

The Secretariat of the Tariff (price) Council of Azerbaijan Republic

Deputy-Head of Department


The Secretariat of the Tariff (price) Council of Azerbaijan Republic

Head of Department


Ministry of Economy of Azerbaijan Republic

Head of Division

2019-until now






Level of knowledge


Upper Intermediate



Upper Intermediate



Upper Intermediate









Hardware and Software

Knowledge Level

Assembling and Disassembling of Personal Computers


MS Windows


MS Office (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Outlook)












Energy Modelling


7. QUALIFICATION (course, training, seminar, etc.)

Theme of the event




Regional Workshop on Tariff Setting Practices


Baku, Azerbaijan

April 2008

Regulatory and Tariff Workshop


Baku, Azerbaijan

July 2008

Project Development and Financing


Baku, Azerbaijan

October-December 2008

International Best Practices for the Legal Framework of Renewable Energy


Baku, Azerbaijan

December 2008

Study Tour on Renewable Energy


Madrid-Puertollano-Granada, Spain

April 2010

Black Sea Regional Regulatory Workshop


Chisinau, Moldova

May 2010

Study Tour on Renewable Energy


Munich, Germany

May 2010

Energy Markets Convergence Training Course


Baku, Azerbaijan

June-July 2010

Study tour on Energy Markets Convergence


Riga, Latvia

October 2010

Development and Integration of Renewable Energy Resources in the Black Sea region


Istanbul, Turkey

March 2011

10th Energy Investment and Regulation Conference of ERRA


Saint Petersburg, Russia

May 2011



Baku, Azerbaijan

June 2011

Workshop on Renewable Energy Investment Framework and Development of RES Regulatory Principles


Budapest, Hungary

October 2011

Regional Seminar on Electricity and Gas Tariffs in European Union


Budapest, Hungary

October 2013

Tariff/Pricing Committee Meeting


Budapest, Hungary

June 2015

Data Analytics

QSS Analytics

Baku, Azerbaijan

December 2016 -February 2017

Developing Electricity Markets &Reforms Workshop


Astana, Kazakhstan

August 2017

28th CAREC ESCC Meeting and 3rd CAREC Investment Forum




September 2018

  • İzmir Business Days 2023

Current Trends on Maritime Agribusiness Logistics and effects of Russian-Ukrainian conflict

Organized by Istanbul and Marmara, Aegean, Mediterranean and Black Sea Regions Chamber of Shipping

  • Logistics costs and supply chain in agribusiness
  • Effects of Russian-Ukrainian conflict on the logistics of maritime agribusiness and functioning of agriculture corridor


  • Yusuf ÖZTÜRK, Turkish Chamber of Shipping İzmir Branch, Chairman of the Board


  • Kanan MAMISHOV, Head of Infrastructure Division, Economic Policy Department, Ministry of Economy of Azerbaijan Republic
  • Prof. Dr. Okan TUNA, Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Maritime Faculty Member